• 9 Amish Survival Foods You Should Stockpile

    9 Amish Survival Foods You Should Stockpile

    They probably stockpile a lot more than this, but according to the video below, the Amish stockpile lots of vegetables and fruits, but they prefer to can their own in mason jars rather than purchasing the commercially processed canned goods. The Amish tap maple trees, grow herbs, pickle food, and make their own butter. Here’s…

  • When the Government Fails, Will Your Community Have Power? A Prepper’s Guide to Energy Cooperatives

    When the Government Fails, Will Your Community Have Power? A Prepper’s Guide to Energy Cooperatives

    The most skilled preppers know they won’t be able to trust the national grid to deliver electricity when catastrophe strikes. You can establish a backup plan with energy cooperatives. These resources are critical for connecting communities and building resilience against disasters of all types, whether environmental or socioeconomic. Understanding Community Energy Cooperatives  Energy cooperatives provide…

  • Flexible Solar Panels Better Than Rigid?

    Flexible Solar Panels Better Than Rigid?

    I saw the following video below and though there’s no way it’s possible that flexible panels outperform rigid panels, all things considered. Turns out I was right, but not because of massive performance differences. While both Eco-Worth panels performed nearly identically in their head-to-head test on a dollars per watt comparison (see data near the…

  • How Much Food Will Your Family Need to Survive?

    How Much Food Will Your Family Need to Survive?

    When preparing for an emergency, you need to make sure you have the proper food storage to get through anything, and the best survival food kits can help make that happen. We’ll show you what to look for, focusing on reliability, nutrition, and ease of preparation. With the right kit, you can be ready for…

  • Could You, Even as a Prepper, Survive the Great Depression?

    Could You, Even as a Prepper, Survive the Great Depression?

    My news feed likes to occasionally share with me sensationalized articles like this one: 13 Unbelievable Things People Did to Survive the Great Depression. So, I clicked on it, flipped through the slideshow and too many interstitial ads, and not only got to wondering just how “unbelievable” these actions were, but whether I could do…

  • This is Why We’ll Never Fix Federal Spending

    This is Why We’ll Never Fix Federal Spending

    I try to avoid politics on my blog because it’s just a losing argument; I’d be better off banging my head against the wall and expecting change as a result. People are so stuck in their left vs. right paradigms that there’s no way to break anyone free until they want to see the truth…

  • Back to Cast Iron

    Back to Cast Iron

    About a month ago, I started to complain about one of the pans we often use for cooking eggs, vegetables, and whatever else fits: It was a useful pan once upon a time, but the surface coating is really starting to fall apart: And because we’re trying to get healthier lately, I figured it was…

  • How to Combat Inflation as a Prepper

    How to Combat Inflation as a Prepper

    A few weeks ago, I was talking about rising egg prices and rising gold prices as being a concern. Preppers should take heed because it’s in our mindset to think ahead of the sheeple and to prepare for the coming hard times whether they’re largely unpredictable (such as with some natural disasters) or all but…

  • 11 Survival Supplies You’ll Wish You Had Sooner

    11 Survival Supplies You’ll Wish You Had Sooner

    I think I just bought half of the items in the video below, lol. I really like the idea of compressed toilet paper tablets, the zip stitch (for wounds larger than steri-strips), micro backpack, durable watertight bags, and the cache belt. About the only item I disagree with is the credit card knife as I’ve…